Friday, July 19, 2013

What does your garage say about you?!

Summer may have given you the push to follow May’s blog “Let’s get your garage ready for summer” and finally clean it out. You may have held a garage sale and allowed yourself to let go of some of those items you’ve been holding onto for far too long. Or it maybe your garage got the best of you and you decided to park the car outside for the few months. Regardless of your decision your garage is likely the largest room of your house and the one with the most curb appeal (or lack there of).

Next time you drive through a neighborhood, take note. The houses might look similar, the yards and driveways familiar, but behind that garage door holds the secret about those living there.

Which are you? See what your garage is saying about you.

The Family Type
The stereotypical family centered garage is filled with memories of children first learning to ride a bike, oodles of first Little Tyke’s toys, Dad’s mini-hardware store, Mom’s gardening essentials, and ALL the sporting equipment. Your garage probably looks messy, but you convince yourself it is that way out of love. You excuse the mess thinking: “It will be clean when the kids move out.” You may love your family and all the activities your kids are involved in, but this is no excuse for a messy garage. With just a few shelves and hooks, your garage can look like the one below, while teaching your kids to be organized and timely.

Really pays off in the summer time when you can leave your garage door open. Let those gawkers see what kind of household you are running! 

If your garage doesn’t portray your true personality, and you wish it said something different about you, set aside some time to clean it up and make it not only the biggest room of your house but the best! It is the room with the most curb attention so why not make it the most appealing and allow yourself to show it off and feel great leaving and entering your home. Who knows maybe one day it will turn into something like this: 

The Horder

Does your garage look like this? Does your car sit outside most months because you can’t find the space or time to move it in? Don’t you hate having to always keep your garage door shut, or only opening it halfway because it is such a mess? People love to collect “valuable” items, for fear that, “someday I will need this.” But how often do you really find yourself needing thirteen coolers, six cans of weed eliminator, or a collection of broken fishing poles? Usually these treasures just collect dust, and the expiration dates age a little further. Take the challenge! Clean it out! Then open that garage door wide for all to see, relish in the “oohs and aahs” that you will get from your neighbors.

The Man Cave

Ah, the glory land! If you are privileged enough to have a man cave, take advantage of it! This is your place to escape so make it a true happy place where you can be productive or just be confident showing it off to your jealous friends!


You win! You may have the most organized garage on the block. Everyone who walks by envies your design and spotless floor. We are proud of you for following our “Let’s get your garage ready for summer” blog! Your “neat freak” personality.

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